Google Fonts is an absolutely ultimate collection of web fonts that you may use in your HTML web pages without any restrictions and download it in your computer or laptop.
Google Web Fonts makes web fonts quick and easy to use for everyone, including professional designers and developers. We believe that there should not be any barriers to making great websites.
Google Web Fonts team's goals are to create a directory of core web fonts for the world and to provide an API service so that anyone can bring quality typography to their webpages.
The API service runs on Google's servers. They are fast, reliable and tested. Google provide the service free of charge. It is possible to add Google Web Fonts to a website in seconds.
A web built with web fonts is a web that is more beautiful, more readable, more accessible and more open.
Google Web Fonts
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Google Web Fonts API
I'm truing to create a form to post to my webpage in php